Asus GL502VS electronic buzzing when not under load

Panzer AppleHusky

Jan 16, 2014
I was wondering if anyone else on here has the same notebook and notices a buzzing sound. It's sort of like the old school HDD clicking but a lot faster.
It's always done it as far as I can remember but I figured I'd see about fixing it if I could, or at least reducing it so it's not as loud.

It happens when I'm doing light tasks such as web browsing, but when I open up a game, run a benchmark or start a stress test, it goes away. Sometimes it's replaced with a more familiar coil whine which I assume is coming from the GPU, but I'm not sure.

Any thoughts?
I've got exactly the same problem, it's like a faint buzzing noise coming from the center right of the keyboard comes and goes during idle. Roughly where the ssd drive is i think. Tried unplugging the power, turning off speakers, turning off monitor, didn't work. If you find a fix for this I would like to know as well.
Just an update on this I found if I changed the Battery and power settings in Windows 10 to Balanced mode the noise is reduced by half. If I change it to Power Saver mode the noise is completely gone not sure why that is. Could it be a CPI/GPU fan problem?