Solved! Audio but no video via HDMI through AV receiver

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Sep 2, 2015
I have my nuc hooked up to my anthem receiver on to my pc monitor and get audio perfectly, but the video is corrupt. I can see it's my desktop by color, but it's torn up into horizontal lines and distorted completely.
I tried every possible hdmi setting option in the receiver and changed monitor res. and freq. but nothing works.
Any ideas?
Thanks for any help. :)
I don't see anything on the monitor but messed up lines of color, through the receiver.
It's an mrx510. WIth multiple hdmi in and out, all don't work with my monitor.
I just, finally, heard back from the seller, who swears up and down it worked fine for all his video stuff, so it must be my nuc and/or monitor.
I'm trying to sell it so as long as I know the receiver hasn't got a problem, I'm actually cool. I only bought it for music, thinking it had usb input like the previous models, but it didn't. Tried a streamer and thought about other options for playing files, but it's all too much hassle, so ditching this and getting an arcam with usb.
Thanks all for the help. Still curious, but not desperate, hehe.
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