Black bar on monitor


Jun 14, 2017
so i bought a monitor samsung s22a100n "21.5" and its native resolution is 1920*1080
and when i plugged it in the gpu i got a thin black bar almost 3 mm vertically on the edg of the screen
now the monitor dosent have any auto adjust and the driver is updated my gpu driver is also updated
i tried to move the desktop from nvidia panel it went behind the black bar which got me wondering maybe the screen is not ok , i was wrong i changed the resolution it worked fine no black bar
i turned off my gpu it also work fine
now i am left with 2 options either this monitor is weird and in native will always show that bar or the graphics card is damaged

now i just want to know anyone faced this or idk im confused

win 7
cpu e7500 core 2 duo
gpu gt430 gigabyte oc edition
ram 8go
mobo GA-G41MT-ES2L gigabyte

( ik my pc is old but i cant afford to buy a new one no furthur explanation )
thank you

you know its so weird , i said ill play a cs go game befor bed cause i have to study , i use the 1280*720 4:3 in cs go no problem in that resolution i played and finished but right when i closed the game this happend :
the monitor said auto adjusting ( even it dosent have a button for it )
the black bar moved to the bottom of the monitor under the task bar !

like what is happening ? XD