guys...a month ago there was a huge power surge and smoke came out of my sony bravia lcd...i turned it on after a while and it worked fine....i was surprised as to how it could work..i asked a support guy n he told something about some power surge liquid inside it and blah blah..i honestly didnt understand him...he told theres no problem and it worked fine for a month n now yesterday, the picture started was like...every 2-5 seconds,it would say no signal..picture would come for a few seconds and again it would say no signal...after a while ,the tv would turn off(not standby,just off).... and another peculiar part is,we use inverter/ups at home..when its connected to just ups, works fine!! when its on mains,the problem occurs.. can anyone tell what the prob could be? the tech guy on phone told cud be a capacitor issue but im worried whether its some major problem.. pls tell : 1. what is that "power surge liquid " the tech guy was teliing about ?or what do u think really happend when smoke came? how did it still run?? 2.what could be the current problem? UPDATE : i tried turning it on a few mins back,now it wont turn on at all! it used to work fine on even the red light doesnt come...i can see its drawing power as i can feel its load on ups...HELP 🙁