Hi There
My dell studio XPS 1640 - IC chid died
I have HUGE problem to find exactly same chip...
I'm very good in art of soldering
and would have no problems to swap that damn Chip but can I replace it with similar - NOT SAME model ?
So far from my research I have found that these models vary by some factors but models with beginning of model-IT8512E and extension -JXA look similar.
So first of all the dead chip model is:
its bit crispy in the middle fo the ? is a missing haracter...
I do know that there might be something else wrong than this chip but one step on a time.
Please tell me if I can replace this chip with a different one and if you know where I could get it ?
I'm from UK so ordering from China or US would be same to me.
Thank you very much for help.
My dell studio XPS 1640 - IC chid died
I have HUGE problem to find exactly same chip...
I'm very good in art of soldering

So far from my research I have found that these models vary by some factors but models with beginning of model-IT8512E and extension -JXA look similar.
So first of all the dead chip model is:
its bit crispy in the middle fo the ? is a missing haracter...
I do know that there might be something else wrong than this chip but one step on a time.
Please tell me if I can replace this chip with a different one and if you know where I could get it ?
I'm from UK so ordering from China or US would be same to me.
Thank you very much for help.