Can't show Macbook Pro Retina screen on Westinghouse via HDMI


Jan 24, 2015
I moved into a prefurnished apartment with a Westinghouse TV (W2613). I have a Macbook Pro 13" with Retina display, and I purchased an HDMI cable to connect from the HDMI port on my computer to the HDMI port on the TV. When I connect the two and go to the HDMI source on the TV, though, it says "Detecting" over and over. My computer screen flashes off and on and the resolution goes crazy, and it looks like for one second it has recognized the new display. Then the "W" logo on the TV comes up, though, as if it has been turned off and is now coming back on. Then everything repeats.

I've looked through countless forums where people have had somewhat similar issues, but none of the fixes worked for me. There is no factory reset button if I use the remote to go to the Menu. When I turn off the power and then hold the power button down for 10+ seconds, it just doesn't register and starts coming on normally after I've held it down for around 3 seconds. I've tried unplugging the TV, holding down the power button for 30 seconds, and restarting, but nothing works. Can anyone help with this?
How long is your HDMI cable? Your symptoms sound like the cable is too long, and the HDMI signal is degrading enough that the TV isn't getting enough signal to decode an image.

Try it with a short 3-ft or 6-ft HDMI cable. If it works, then you know the problem is your long cable. If this is your problem, I'd recommend replacing it with a Redmere HDMI cable. It steals power from the TV, sends it back to the computer end, and uses that extra power to boost the signal strength before it's transmitted to the TV. It has worked like a charm in my long-cable applications.


Jan 24, 2015

How do I set the HDMI output? Bear in mind that while the HDMI cable is connected to the computer and TV (and both are powered on), the screen is constantly black, changing resolution, or moving around, so I can't do anything while the connection is live.


Jan 24, 2015

Thanks for the advice. I don't think that is the problem, as it's not that there's a weak signal -- there's no detection except for a split second, at which time the TV restarts and everything starts going crazy again.