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On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 18:51:29 -0400, "NetBoot" <> wrote:
>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 14:06:37 -0400, "NetBoot" <> wrote:
>>>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>>>> On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 08:43:58 -0400, "Elmo P. Shagnasty"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>In article <>,
>>>>> Mark Lloyd <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote:
>>>>>> There's a free program called DVDshrink that'll let you copy DVDs to
>>>>>> your computer and play them there.
>>>>>DVDShrink isn't necessary if all you're doing is copying the files to
>>>>>your computer and playing them there.
>>>>>DVDShrink is great at taking the 4+GB of data from a regular commercial
>>>>>CD and shrinking it down to fit into a 4GB or smaller size, so as to fit
>>>>>on a normal home-burned DVD (and still play in a normal DVD player).
>>>>>DVDShrink has nothing to do with copying the files to play them straight
>>>>>off the computer.
>>>> Yes it does. What are you doing about CSS?
>>>> --
>>>> 76 days until the winter solstice celebration
>>>> Mark Lloyd
>>>All I want is to store my DVD movies on the replay and play them off the
>>>Will RTVTools encode the headers then save them on the unit that way?
>> RTVTools should allow you to convert the files, but there's still no
>> way to copy anything digital to the Replay. You can use DVArchive to
>> stream them.
>>> If
>>>not, can I use the replay to record the steam?
>> What stream would that be? The Replay has no digital input (and can't
>> save digital streams). You can still record the analog stream (with
>> the expected loss of quality). Do you want some help with that?
>> --
>> 76 days until the winter solstice celebration
>> Mark Lloyd
>Stream over the Network..
That's one way the DVArchive software is better than an actual Replay.
It can save streams.
>I guess the best way is just to connect my DVD player and just record it
>that way.
I do it that way when I make copies for people with VCRs but no DVD
76 days until the winter solstice celebration
Mark Lloyd