Well, yesterday my laptop didnt want to connect to my wireless network like it was frozen and so i got pissed and punched my laptop. In my rage i turned it off manually. I turned it back on and then this message came on "hard disk failure is imminent. Please back up your disk and have it replaced". Basically i broke my hdd and now i need help to look for a cheap 250gb 2.5' hdd. I had so much on that hdd that is really important so i will be using a hard drive duplicator to get my things back. I need some recommendations for 250gb hdd for under $40 since i will be spending around $50 for an hdd duplicator. Im thinking about getting 5400rpm since they generally cost less unless i find a 7200rpm for cheap. Will there be a huge difference if i get a 5400rpm hdd, from the one that i broke which is 7200rpm.