LVDS to DVI - Options?


Mar 14, 2014
I am working on an LCD Panel, the only connection I have is the LVDS coming right from the T-Con (specifically: IHDC4LV0.2_W). I need to connect this directly to a coomputer using DVI. I do have a LVDS-DVI-R10 (link)

The problem with this is that the pinout is quite different. What options are availible? If soldering a DVI connector and wiring it myself is the best option, I am willing to even go that route.

Thanks in advance for any pointers in the right direction.

Ya, that adapter board should work. The other option is going to be digging around eBay for old '90s equipment that could suit your needs... though that would likely require an analog VGA output to LVDS.
LVDS is a low power serial display connection from the '90s... you are going to need a special GPU/adapter to get that to work.

out of curiosity, what are you attempting to do with such an old panel?

Hey, i'm re-purposing it to be used as part of an art project actually, so the age of the panel really isn't an issue. Any idea where I could find such a GPU or adapter? I believe that adapter I linked may be sufficient, but I may need to do some custom work on it.

Ya, that adapter board should work. The other option is going to be digging around eBay for old '90s equipment that could suit your needs... though that would likely require an analog VGA output to LVDS.

LVDS might have been invented in the 90's but its still the main interconnect for industrial/medical and many other computer systems today.
with 32" and under HDTV's headed for the bargain bin for the Christmas season,
i.e. likely to be commonly found for $100 & under in various Black Friday deals
and after the new year, $100 will likely be a common street price
the cost of a convert board to re-purpose a tiny laptop lcd
is seemingly rather high by now