Moving all the data from one SD Card to another

Amogh Rao

Mar 25, 2016
I have a Huawei Honor 4X and an 8 gb sd card in it. i wanted to upgrade to a 32 gb sd card. I wanted all the data on the old SD card on the new one. I wanted to know how i can do this using a windows 10 PC(i thought the process is different for every OS). Do i need to use command prompt commands??
Thank You
No Command Line necessary. It's best to take the opportunity to back up whatever is on the 8GB so plug that into a carrier and then into the PC and copy it all into a folder you create from the Home>New Folder menu. Delete it off the SD card if you want to use it for something else.

Then it's just a matter of swapping the cards so the 32GB is in the carrier then copy from the folder on to the card. Back up frequently - 32GB is a lot of data storage space and phones can be lost or stolen so always keep a copy.
No Command Line necessary. It's best to take the opportunity to back up whatever is on the 8GB so plug that into a carrier and then into the PC and copy it all into a folder you create from the Home>New Folder menu. Delete it off the SD card if you want to use it for something else.

Then it's just a matter of swapping the cards so the 32GB is in the carrier then copy from the folder on to the card. Back up frequently - 32GB is a lot of data storage space and phones can be lost or stolen so always keep a copy.

Amogh Rao

Mar 25, 2016

Thank you... I will see if it works..