
Nov 3, 2013
So I've noticed my computer is aging and I'm hoping to extend it's life a bit more and get some VR time with it before I rip out the motherboard someday for one that uses DDR4 RAM...I want to postpone that as long as I can since I'd need to purchase the MB, RAM, and the CPU pretty much all at once if I wanted a functional unit...

Right now I have an MSI 990FXA-GD65 (MS-7640) Motherboard with an AMD FX-8320 CPU that I worry is really starting to show it's age...but it's...maybe hanging in there? and an AMD Radeon HD 7850 that REALLY disappointed me when I took the Steam VR test. I also have accumulated 24 GB of DDR3 yeah...not looking forward to starting over with DDR4 lol

I was thinking I might be able to just get away with a new GPU for a few months or so? Since the test seems fine with my CPU (it was green) and like I said if I'm gonna replace that I'm probably going to just have to replace the CPU,GPU,RAM, and MB which is...kinda insane right now..even if by some miracle I got that much upgraded...I'd be waiting a long time for my Vive...

So think my CPU won't implode if I use the Vive? What is the cheapest GPU I could use with it that would be a little future proof? I'd prefer to buy from best buy since it would take $100 off the cost of it right now.

Thank you for your time and input <3

If you get an Oculus Rift instead of the HTC Vive, ASW means performance would be acceptable with the FX-8320. It's still not amazing, but it will work.
Your CPU is going to bottleneck any GPU you get in VR, FX series CPU's are not VR ready in any way sorry to say :/

If you want to get into the VR scene, an i5 with a 970 would be around entry level.

With Ryzen coming around the corner it seems you have a bit more options then just intel even though their expensive CPU's are coming out before the lower end Ryzen CPU's.
Sadly no, All AM3+ socket CPU's have very bad IPC (Instructions per clock) Which are going to make any CPU intensive game run like crap, Regardless of any GPU you have. A non CPU intensive game though will run fine. Sadly though all VR games are going to be pretty CPU intensive.

Your best bet might be to sell to someone who doesn't know much about gaming PC's and get a decent chunk of cash back from your PC and upgrading to kaby lake or Ryzen.

If you don't want to sell it then you will end up dropping a decent amount of cash on 4 big upgrades, Being CPU, Motherboard, DDR4 Ram and a GPU.