rca viking pro 10 enabling to rread 128gb sd card as well as a 1.5TB hard drrive and/or 2TB flash drive


Jul 7, 2016
ok so i have recently purcchased the above named tableet, and had a 128gb micro sd card laying around since i had wanted to try and us it for my phone but at the same time it did not seem practical as i have not figured out as to how to be able to effectively use my external storage, so i settled with a 32gb micro ssd card. anyways back to the topic at hand. i have reformatted the sd card into FAT32 via a windows 7 laptop through cmd (if you have any questions about how i did it since i did not use any 3rd party software, only the cmd itself fel free to ask.) but now that i have put it into my tablet i cannot read it. so, i have seen things about the read speed as i have perused the xda-developers site(which has been helpful but only to a small extent as it seems i am too poor to afford most of the devices that everyone else is using(even if i did have the money the devices i have gotten are well worth their money even for having been cheap tech.) so does read speed have anything to do with being able to have a higher capacity of sd card or even an external hard drive? if not what are other ways that i can increase the likelyhood of being able to read my 128gb sd card? or even my hard drive or my 2tb flash drive i just ordered?
Well, for starters, that device is not meant to handle a SD card that is that large in capacity - 128GB. This limitation would cause the card to not function correctly. As far as I can find, the limitation for that device is 32GB. Being that the device is set to only handle 32, trying to use a card of a larger capacity would cause errors. I know of no way to make the larger SD card work. Some devices just will not take the difference.

Also, with that tablet, you can't use a card for Apps. As in move to and run from the card rather than the device. The tablet runs an older version of the Android OS which does not allow for making a card "Internal" rather than the standard "External", so the card can hold say photos, videos, etc. but...
Well, for starters, that device is not meant to handle a SD card that is that large in capacity - 128GB. This limitation would cause the card to not function correctly. As far as I can find, the limitation for that device is 32GB. Being that the device is set to only handle 32, trying to use a card of a larger capacity would cause errors. I know of no way to make the larger SD card work. Some devices just will not take the difference.

Also, with that tablet, you can't use a card for Apps. As in move to and run from the card rather than the device. The tablet runs an older version of the Android OS which does not allow for making a card "Internal" rather than the standard "External", so the card can hold say photos, videos, etc. but not most apps. You would have to be running "Marshmallow" or root the device to allow for that. Since the device is actually new, I would not suggest that. You would void your warranty.
no it cant read a 128gb but it can read a 32gb as well as format for internal storage and movement and running of apps from the card... i know i have this set up. but i have found a few problems with it some larger app 300-400mb sometimes wont move they say not enough space but then i can move a 2.3gb app just fine haven't solved that problem yet hope i helped you should let you tablet format though not your laptop......!