Welcome to the community, @LilNinja1805!
Do you have a recovery CD with your laptop or the Windows installation media you have currently installed on it? It should help you boot in the recovery options and run
Startup repair if needed, to determine what is wrong with the OS. The issue could also be coming from the hard drive itself, so I'd advise you to check the warranty on your laptop first. If it's covered and the issue is hardware-related, then the manufacturer/reseller should take care of the replacement.
If it's not covered, you could try taking the HDD out of the laptop and access it through a USB drive enclosure or a SATA-to-USB cable attached to another computer to determine its health and SMART status by running
the drive's brand-specific diagnostic utility.
Make sure you backup all important data from the HDD once you can access it! This is the best way to avoid any potential data loss.
Keep me posted. Hope this helps you!