Remove write protection from SD Card

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Jul 1, 2016
We have a Canon Powershot and want to transfer photos from computer back to camera. Says SD card is write protected. How do we remove the write protection?
That's odd - I don't recall a system without that key.

I can't be too sure about the switch but there's only two ways to find out. On some micro SdCard carriers I have in front of me, the Lock switch has to be turned downwards to lock the card..
Assuming you've already checked it for a tiny switch on one edge. pop the card into your PC or laptop and press your Windows key and R together then in the Open box, type regedit and press Enter. Choose Export from the File menu then note the name and location of the crucial back up you're about to make - you may need it if something goes wrong but if you follow these steps, nothing will.

Navigate to the following:


Double click on the WriteProtect string and change the Value Data’box from 1 to 0.

If there are any spaces between the words '"StorageDevicePolicies'", remove them because they shouldn't be there.

Exit the Registry from the File menu and restart the system then try your card again.

Many thanks but got as far as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and then could not locate StorageDevicePolicies under Control. I am on Windows 10. Should the white switch on the SD card be up or down?
That's odd - I don't recall a system without that key.

I can't be too sure about the switch but there's only two ways to find out. On some micro SdCard carriers I have in front of me, the Lock switch has to be turned downwards to lock the card..
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