Solved! Reset my laptop now stuck in a loop.

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Oct 14, 2021
I reset my laptop because it was freezing and I would be forced to shut it down with the power button. During the reset process it froze and I was forced to turn my laptop off. Now my laptop is stuck in a loop of starting screens probably cause the reset was left unfinished. Is there anyway that i can reset my laptop with the firmware or do qnything else that can help me? Can this problem be fixed and should I consult a expert?

By the way my laptop is a acer nitro .
Any help is appreciated
During the reset, there may be long pauses that seem like a freeze but are not. Interrupting the reset can cause a problem like you experienced. Assuming you are running Windows 10, you can reinstall windows However, you will been to reinstall some programs and may lose some data files. If you do a "clean" install, you will lose everything. If you have data that is of high value, it should be recoverable prior to a Windows reinstall. A good tech guy can do that for you be removing the drive.

If you want to try a reinstall yourself:

Create an install USB. Do this by following the steps at Select the option to make media for another computer...
During the reset, there may be long pauses that seem like a freeze but are not. Interrupting the reset can cause a problem like you experienced. Assuming you are running Windows 10, you can reinstall windows However, you will been to reinstall some programs and may lose some data files. If you do a "clean" install, you will lose everything. If you have data that is of high value, it should be recoverable prior to a Windows reinstall. A good tech guy can do that for you be removing the drive.

If you want to try a reinstall yourself:

Create an install USB. Do this by following the steps at Select the option to make media for another computer.
OR--- if you want more details.
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