Samsung NP700z7c suddenly won't turn on


Feb 29, 2016
Hoping someone can help as I am at the end of my rope.

On Saturday night I went to bed and my laptop was fine - woke up Sun am and the screen was black but the charge light (it was plugged in) was on as was the blue light to the right of the charge light. Couldn't get it to wake up so turned it off then back on a few min later. The charging light came on as well as the blue light to the right (sorry, not sure what all the lights are for) and the one to the left (has a picture of a cylinder underneath), at which point I would usually see the Windows screen. Nothing. And the blue light on the left went out. Could kind of hear faint sound of fans going but nothing else.

Spent two hours googling. Tried unplugging, sticking a paper clip through the hole on the bottom to reset the battery, holding power button down, then plugging back in. Didn't work. Then did the same but also removed the RAM card. Aha! Back in business. Laptop was fine for the rest of the day, even after leaving it idle for a few hours it came right back up again.

Well, first thing Mon (today) morning I'm back to square one, won't turn on. Only this time removing the RAM doesn't fix it. More googling. I removed the RAM, removed the bottom case, disconnected the hdd and the battery, then reconnected everything, put the case back on, reinserted the RAM card. No go.

I'm out of options. Any suggestions or is this thing dead? Thanks for your help.

Please try these troubleshooting steps:

Start with a Hard Reboot
Remove the battery and unplug it's AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it.

Change your Power Source
Try to boot your laptop without its battery and just use its AC adapter as a power source.

Re-seat the RAM
If the above did not resolve your issue, please re-seat the RAM. Remove the RAM sticks for a couple of seconds then re-insert them, making sure everything is seated properly.

Connect to an External Display
If you can hear the laptop is on, but there is no graphics on the display, please connect your laptop to an external monitor and see if it will display anything. If the external...

Please try these troubleshooting steps:

Start with a Hard Reboot
Remove the battery and unplug it's AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it.

Change your Power Source
Try to boot your laptop without its battery and just use its AC adapter as a power source.

Re-seat the RAM
If the above did not resolve your issue, please re-seat the RAM. Remove the RAM sticks for a couple of seconds then re-insert them, making sure everything is seated properly.

Connect to an External Display
If you can hear the laptop is on, but there is no graphics on the display, please connect your laptop to an external monitor and see if it will display anything. If the external monitor displays your laptop's graphics your laptop screen may be faulty.

Test another AC Adapter
See if your AC adapter is working properly. You can test this by trying another AC adapter that has the same voltage.

Service and Repair
If none of the above works it could be a motherboard problem. At this point I would recommend to bring your laptop in for service and repair.