Sharp Aquas LC-70LE660U Netflix and Youtube Crash, tv Ocassionally freezes

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Sep 16, 2017
I have a Sharp Aquas LC-70LE660U running the latest firmware 2.22. I ran it off of HDMI for nearly an hour and no problem. I ran Netflix for 20 minutes, the video froze, and the app crashed then the tv returned to the previous channel it was on. I went back and resumed the movie, and it did it again in 5 minutes.

I then turned it off and gave it a few minutes, went into youtube, did the same thing after 10 minutes, video froze, then crashed out to last channel.

Could this be a software thing? As a guy who builds and fixes computers, my first instinct is to crack it open and see if its dusty, I just want to make sure there isn't anything software wise I can do before I disassemble the tv.

Just incase you are wondering, its out of warranty and neither the store it was purchased at (Best Buy) or Sharp want to fix it.
Could be the CPU or APU or SOC or whatever they use inside getting hot because of dust, or bad thermal design. As the smart features aren't usually used much for TV, that chip would only be used for smart features and be overheating when used. Guess if it's out of warranty, can't hurt to try. lol. Not sure if they would put a heatsink on it that would need new thermal paste, but I doubt it. It's probably an open chip.


Sep 16, 2017
I have done a bit of research and have looked up some information about this tv.


As can be seen in this picture (From an ebay auction selling parts from this tv), it just has a fairly small main board with no heat syncs of any kind. So, unless the tv employs some sort of cooling fans, I couldn't see any reason to actually take it apart. (It doesn't sound like it has fans unless they are very quiet)

My guess here is, if clearing cache or resetting the apps themselves is possible, perhaps that may fix the problems with the smart apps. I will give that a try and report back.

Edit: Did a full factory reset on the tv and I still get the same problem where the youtube app crashes when it has run video for a while. My next step will be to crack it open and check the voltages, barring that, I would say there is something wrong with the main board, perhaps corrupt "Smart TV" memory or cache.
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