Sony Vaio VPCBY15AG


Apr 17, 2013
I have the above Sony laptop which displays signs of the CMOS battery failing.

It is difficult to boot and only actually starts every few hours. Although the power light does come on, there is nothing on screen and no hard drive activity. I can here fan noise though.

Every now and then it will boot and works perfectly. It can be set to sleep and will recover from that fine and will also restart successfully pretty much every time. The only thing wrong when it does boot is that the date/time is reset to 1/1/2010.

Does anyone know if this laptop does have a CMOS battery (I have read that many new models don't) and if so where it is?


The CMOS battery can be replaced. It's simply a watch battery that keeps the internal clock on the computer. You'll be looking for something like this:
or this:

I couldn't find specific instructions for your specific model. However, if your lucky, it will be located under a panel on the bottom of your laptop. Sometimes it's under the keyboard. Sometimes it requires complete dis-assembly to gain access to it.

If your unsure about taking your lapotp apart, a local computer repair shop can make quick work of it.