Track a Phone That's Off or Lock a Power Button?


Aug 9, 2015
My brother is 7 going on 8 and he hides my phone. All the time. No one knows why. He hides it and turns it off and he's punished for however long it takes to find the phone. Usually it only takes 2 or 3 days but it's been 2 weeks. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. I can't track a location or ring it and I don't think there's a way to remotely turn on the phone.
Is there anything I can do? Or am I completely hopeless?
I really need to find this phone before school starts (In a week) because we just don't have the money to replace it.

And when/if I do find the phone is there a way to lock the power button so he can't turn it off when he hides it.

He takes it when I'm sleeping or showering I try to find hiding places, (HE TOOK IT FROM UNDER MY MATTRESS USING A THIN SLIP) but this always happens. I've tried. Really. I need to set it down to charge I shouldn't have to hound guard my phone so it's hard