Video became corrupted somehow

maks kuznia

Jan 4, 2017
So I have this video I rendered from Adobe After Effects in .mov.
I use and play this video back a lot using VLC media player but now the whole video looks like this...
I don't know what it is but it definitely wasn't there before.
This file is like a couple months old.
In VLC Player, go under TOOLS/Preferences and click Reset Preferences. It looks like an issue with interlacing, but it's hard to tell without two picture to compare.
In VLC Player, go under TOOLS/Preferences and click Reset Preferences. It looks like an issue with interlacing, but it's hard to tell without two picture to compare.
To give some context for other people. I think this happened because of a CS:GO crash (not sure why). So I had CS:GO minimized and when I clicked on it on the taskbar it crashed instantly without any prompt. When I tried to restart it I got an error message saying "Failed To Create D3D Device". After that all my videos were "corrupted" and couldn't be played in windows movies or windows media player. I tried opening the NVIDIA control panel but it kept crashing which it never did. Then I restarted my pc and everything was fixed :) Weird