When faced with an application project there are two parts: 1) Strategy - being able to work out and plan what is to be done. 2) Tactical - how it is done via some programming language(s). All based on the project's objectives and requirements. Many different methodologies are used.
Most programming languages support the same concepts: loops, logic, functions, variables, and so forth. The syntax and structures are often similar.
So once you have learned a language or two, you will find that you can, at least, conceptually follow script in other languages.
And if the programmer did, as mentioned by CaptainCretin, document their code the program will be even easier to follow and understand.
Kids are coding nowadays. Take a look at Scratch2 via MIT. May seem childish at first, but then try writing your own script to actually do something. You will learn quite a bit about logic and structure. Good for any programming language.
Likewise: Python and Powershell. Very powerful and gaining some understanding of how they work and can be applied will be very helpful.
Yes, indeed, read code/scripts.
Try writing, simple at first, then do more involved projects. If you like hardware, get a Raspberry PI and work with it - some robotics. Or purchase a Sphero. Both are educational and fun! 🙂
Classes: Logic, Geometry, Math, Electronics. The more you can learn overall, the better programmer you will become. Even with changes.
Coding is a matter of details and nuances matter.
Also, to help document: take a technical writing course/class. Good communications skills are a must. The best programmers I knew and worked with were very capable writers, speakers, and communicators. And listeners - understanding what needs to be done and sometimes the "how" takes work and effort.