Trying to listen to Internet Radio was working yesterday, but now it shows "Please wait" on the display. I have the latest firmware version (2.59).
Also the vTuner radio guide web page returns 404 error http/
JohnH:Currently, Internet Radio connectivity is down on certain network products, Yamaha is aware, and investigating the problem.Unfortunately, at the moment, we have no Estimated Time for Resolution.
What it has to do with us? we are customers and has paid for service dosnt work! If someone fooled You should call the police not cryig out on the internet
I am in CIS, receiver RX-v579 "please wait" . Stupid situation.
I have an access (no"access denied") but no downloading.
Thanks to all. Now I know it is problem not on my dide. But on Yamaha that is selling extremely expensive stuff and do nothing. Alas..
Same in Italy. I can understand the disservices, but I can not understand why Yamaha has not warned its customers in advance. There is not even an official communication about it. I hope it's just a disservice of a few hours.
Same problem in Romania, with a Yamaha WXC-50.
Yamaha will lose customers who bought their products for the advantage of a robust internet radio.
I am afraid that a switch to Tune In or other platform will not be easy, even with firmware upgrade.
At least, they should have announced us that the service ends today 🙁((
Same problem in Romania, with a Yamaha WXC-50.
Yamaha will lose customers who bought their products for the advantage of a robust internet radio.
I am afraid that a switch to Tune In or other platform will not be easy, even with firmware upgrade.
At least, they should have announced us that the service ends today 🙁((
Yamaha might not have known about it - if there was a dispute with vTuner, vTuner might have just pulled the rug out from under them!
When I tried to call customer support, the message said they were experiencing heavy call volume.
When I tried the chat support, it said a 23 minute wait - but it was quicker than that.
WX-010 not do work in Austria. New musiccast 20 plays good internet radio. looks as vtuner is problem.
vtunerceo writes he switched off today. Yamaha does not know about this maybe.
WX-010 not do work in Austria. New musiccast 20 plays good internet radio. looks as vtuner is problem.
vtunerceo writes he switched off today. Yamaha does not know about this maybe.
Who knows if vturnerceo is really associated with vTuner at all?
He just joined this forum today...