Can't run CHKDSK

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Feb 1, 2018
I got an I/O device error message when attempting to create a partition on my hdd so I tried to run CHKDSK, but after restarting I got this:


The only way I am able to get system restore to work is by booting with the system recovery tool, but its saying that no restore points have been created. I have definitely created multiple restore points on this computer, so this makes no sense.
I have used the windows USB/DVD installer on boot. That is the only way I am able to get to System Restore. If i try to run system restore after booting to the desktop, it just doesn't open. It doesn't matter if I start windows normally, or start in safe mode. I've tried opening it through the System Tools folder, as well as from the Control Panel, but every time I click on it, nothing happens... There is no error message- it just does nothing. Same thing happens if I try to run as administrator.
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