Joongi Baek

Dec 7, 2014
I got my new gaming pc, and now I just need to get a new gaming perpheral. I have already chosen the monitor, and now I need mouse, headset, keyboard and speakers. I wanna go for expensive perpherals such as corsair. I have the money for it, but I also wanna save some money for buying games or future upgrades. So the question is, do I need to spend much on a gaming perpheral?

P.S. I live in south korea, and the prices are usually $100~$200 more(those damn fees, ugh!). I have $600.
You certainly don't need the most expensive ones around but I also wouldn't get the cheapest. Look for reviews and try to stick with good brands. Remember you will have to use it every time you play so get something not garbage that you will have to replace in a year anyway. But good mice can be had for $50 keyboard for the same


Feb 28, 2014
You certainly don't need the most expensive ones around but I also wouldn't get the cheapest. Look for reviews and try to stick with good brands. Remember you will have to use it every time you play so get something not garbage that you will have to replace in a year anyway. But good mice can be had for $50 keyboard for the same

Joongi Baek

Dec 7, 2014
Is this good?

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Keyboard: Corsair STRAFE Wired Gaming Keyboard ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Corsair SCIMITAR RGB Wired Optical Mouse ($69.99 @ Amazon)
Headphones: Corsair VOID 7.1 Channel Headset ($129.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $299.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-02-06 18:39 EST-0500

The hyperx cloud 2 is not available in korea.
And I already have chosen the speaker. Is a cheap one and it is from a korean company.