DVR sound drops out on LG TV and Soundbar but works fine with Game system and Blu-Ray


Jun 8, 2015
I am not quite sure how to put this issue but I will do my best. I have an LG TV and an LG sound bar hooked to it. I have the Sound bar hooked via the arc connection. The sound comes out loud and crisp for the game system and the Blu-Ray player but there is an issue with the DVR. Occasionally the volume will be lowered when I turn on the DVR and what booms at say, 60 on the other devices comes across at what would usually be a 20 through the DVR. If I reboot the DVR, however, the volume comes back fine. It will stay that way for a few days and then the issue appears. This is my second DVR unit from Spectrum, different model, different brand, and the issue is still happening. Any thoughts? Please let me know what else you need as far as information and I will be glad to provide it. Thank you so much.
So the DVR is connected to the soundbar or the TV? Does the DVR has a separate volume control? Have you tried changing the connection method of the DVR to see if there is any difference and if the issue appears with this different method also?
The DVR is connected to the back of the television through the HDMI port. The DVR is controlled with the spectrum stock remote which also is set up to control my soundbar, tv, blu-ray. I haven't tried to connect the DVR differently as the only other connection would be component. I tried all 3 hdmi inputs on the tv and different HDMI cords. When the TV volume drops if I switch over to the Nintendo the volume acts normal on there.
Well after much investigation I have ruled out the TV, soundbar, cables and DVR. I tried multiple tvs, with and without 2 different soundbars, HDMI and optical cables and multiple DVR units. I still am getting intermittent sound, sometimes fine others muted. Occasionally the volume will start out fine and then almost throttle itself down. I had Spectrum out here and they said the signals are fine from the tap outside on the pole. I don't know what it could be. I have seen mention of some customers having trouble with similar setups with an update the DVRs received last week but I just don't know where to go from here.