Sylvania synet07526 netbook WindowsCE


Dec 17, 2011
I have a Sylvania Synte07526 netbook thats running WindowCE.I bought it on ebay from a guy who used it once and didnt like it. I think he accidently deleted more than just his info. I saw that ther is some of the same modle numbers that I have that run Vista or XP. I was originally looking to reinstall windowsCE or restore it back to factory settings , but I cant find any Admin. tools like defrag,restore,disk clean up etc. I would rather install Vista,7,XP on it. Is that possable if so how, if not how do I set it back to factory settings or reinstall Windows CE

It is not possible to install Vista, 7, or XP on it. Windows CE stands for Compact Edition. The device has a different type of processor and not nearly enough memory or capacity to run the full operating systems. I saw your post while trying to figure out if I can install Android or a version of Linux on it. Android is made for smaller devices and Linux has versions for smaller devices.
Good luck,
I have seen Android and Linux advertised on these on ebay.I guess I should have been clearer. What I should have asked if vISTA, XP or 7makes a OS for CE to install on it.
Thanks for taking the time to answer
Have you tried installing android on SYNET07526. I have purchased Sylvania SYNET07526 netbook and I have Win CE on it. I would appreciate your help in guiding me to install android.
