[citation][nom]fyasko[/nom]wow. time to switch to PC gaming full time. why shell out 60$+ for a pile of crap? Madden 12 is a prime example.[/citation]
to a casual observer, madden is the same game over and over, but its a cycle, 1 year is the inovation, next is the refinement and roster tweak, next is the inovation again... madden is far more complex that it seams, and only the people who are far into it can see that.
at least that what i hear from many places, and people who review it.
[citation][nom]AIstudio[/nom]Personally I think that this sort of approach is a BIG mistake. If I buy something, use it, and then decide to sell it that should be my prerogative.So what if all manufacturers of everything took this approach?? That would mean NO second hand cars, TV's or anything else.I think the governing bodies should step in on this and let them know that this is an unfair business practice and prevent it from happening!![/citation]
you see this thing called steam... yea... people have accepted no trade games for a long time, and they will do it again on the new console. its kind of sad but i can see something good coming from it, ill explain below.
[citation][nom]Azathoth[/nom]I highly doubt the source for this is accurate. Whilst some developers ARE making a push to prevent/cripple the sale of used games I highly doubt that Microsoft would make such a decision. It simply seems far to irrational, as well as resource intensive to develop a system to basically damage the sale of their own systems.In my opinion Microsoft should develop better piracy prevention mechanisms. This would be a win-win for both sides. Those who buy used games (open box included) wouldn't have any problems and Microsoft would gain some more profit from a cut of the game sales.[/citation]
um... every game sold gives microsoft 8-12$
if microsoft sells the console at a loss, do you really think they give a crap about used sales and people not buying the system because it cant play a used game?
do you think devs are going to abandon microsoft because they done have used sales... lets say a game sells 4 million units, and over time sells another million because of used games. these devs are screwing the used market as it is trying to get more money from them, whay would they abandon ms because of it
and if there is a system to lock out used copies, it will most likely also lock out pirate copies too, and it will be advertised as unpirateable, not unused able.
realistically, is ms does it, and the wiiu cant handle a 720 game (nda is still up, and marketing bs on ms part os going on) than the next playstation will do it to, because they lose money on used sales too. and once it becomes standard... well nintendo had to be sued to allow video games to be rented, you don't think they wouldn't jump on it?
the pc lost this battle probably over a decade ago with used copies, (when online accounts stated to be with a serial code) and if you do buy it legitimate second hand, you are considered a pirate for doing so. what makes you think the console wont do it too.
[citation][nom]molo9000[/nom]I don't get why they make such a big deal out of used game sales.Gaming consoles have been around since the 1970s and people have traded used games ever since.I think they're just blaming bad sales on used games, rather than facing the fact, that people don't want to spend 50-60bucks on shit games and stale sequels.The market is simply over saturated with generic sequels and *insertpopularserieshere*-clones.[/citation]
back than, games cost under 1million to make, and large games costed still under 1 million, their break even was FAR lower than it is now.
now a normal big game costs 50 million. with a break even of 2-4 million sales. back in the day you had a much lower break even and used didnt matter to much because everyone made a proffit day 1 with the systems (dont quore me on everyone, i believe Nintendo defiantly did)
now companies are willing to take a loss to push a format (sony, bluray) or a console (xbox, xbox 360), and they recup costs through game sales.
now how could this be good...
what if 360 games were free, or under 5$ to buy the box, the disc, and all the non special edition content? and you could rent the game for 2$ a day like a red box, but you own the discs? you will rent the game for 2$ a day till you spend 60$ on the game total so in the end, 65$ a game (does live and such charge tax?) and is probably cheaper than buying a video game now, with more money going to devs.
it gets the used market and kills it, it gets the retail market to take a lower cut, and it gets the rental market all at once.
and even better, if they set up a gamestop like online system, where you can sell your purchased games, like you sell it for what ever you want, and ms takes a 20% of what you sell it for, you sell it for 10$, they get 2$ you get 8$ and they instantly kill the desire to use gamestop, and if ms splits with the devs/publishers, they are all happy.