Trying to listen to Internet Radio was working yesterday, but now it shows "Please wait" on the display. I have the latest firmware version (2.59).
Also the vTuner radio guide web page returns 404 error http/
Same problem in Serbia. Net stations are in “loading” status. When I try to search net stations with Yamaha MusicCast app it says access error. I use TuneIn on my phone, hope it won’t be the problem to switch from vtuner
I've asked them about it on Twitter and Facebook. I wonder how long before they reply.....and fix it!
Could you please place here link to your post on FB?
It would be nice if every member of Yamaha receivers community follow their and place like under your post.
I've asked them about it on Twitter and Facebook. I wonder how long before they reply.....and fix it!
Could you please place here link to your post on FB?
It would be nice if every member of Yamaha receivers community follow their and place like under your post.
Sorry, it was a FB messgae, and they have now replied:
All Yamaha products get the Internet radio provider TuneIne.
So there is a change from vTuner to TuneIn.
Products from 2018 have the tune already in it. So it affects the devices until 2018.
The update is coming.
Best regards"
So I've asked them again - how long before the update comes?
Trying to listen to Internet Radio was working yesterday, but now it shows "Please wait" on the display. I have the latest firmware version (2.59).
Also the vTuner radio guide web page returns 404 error http/
hi, colleagues. the same in Russia . RX-V475 . It's not working. yesterday still all was. News about TuneIn is not very happy. how will this work with the addition of the personal stream . plus favorites will not transfer to the new server, so I think.
Trying to listen to Internet Radio was working yesterday, but now it shows "Please wait" on the display. I have the latest firmware version (2.59).
Also the vTuner radio guide web page returns 404 error http/
Did Yamaha discontinue Net Radio?
I have the same issue, thought it was my network connection but tried over wireless and lan cable and issue persists
It seems nobody in Yamaha cares about update cycle and customers eventually.
Someone knew that ageement wih VTuner finishes at the end of the year and we are left without our lovely network radios.
Btw. I have r-n500 and the same issue in Krakow, Poland today.
The message I just received on my instagram account
Hi Aleksandar,
Thank you for your continued interest in Yamaha products. We have found that a part of our network products is now experiencing an unstable connection to internet radio stations. We are confirming the situation.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
thank you very much for your inquiry about RX-V481D.
Yamaha has discovered that some of its network-capable products have an
unstable connection to Internet radio stations. We are currently
investigating the situation and trying to find a solution as quickly as
possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your
Same problem in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have Yamaha R-N301 , and no intrenet radio since yesterday.
Obviously they are making fool of us with answers like this. This is not unstable conection with some Yamaha products, as they said.
vTuner has new page and Yamaha is not listed as partner anymore, and anyone can check it on their web site.
If they don't find solution soon, many of us will aviod Yamaha products forever.
I know that doesn't mean too much for coorporation like Yamaha, but for our money we deserve better costumer support,at least.