How to Convert USB Bootable to an ISO image

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ram subu

Jul 21, 2013
My laptop(Asus eeebook x205ta) comes with a program called "Back Tracker Recovery Management", which allows you to make a bootable recovery USB stick, from which you can boot to recover the computer to its original state.

Now i have made a Bootable USB with this backup. Now i wanted to convert this USB Bootable to an ISO image which i can store it in my External Hard drive somewhere instead of a USB stick and in case of problems i will convert the ISO back into a bootable USB.

Please help me with the clear steps. Thanks in advance.

Use a program called rufus to create a bootable usb using an ISO image file

Image burn is great.
Go to and get it from there.
no adware and all the adware choice are automatically not chosen for the install.
and you can save the download file and run it once a month or as often as you like to make sure the programs you choose are up to date. (it downloads, installs/updates the programs that you choose)

You can remove AdWare from Advanced Installation radio button while Installing.

I just installed ImgBurn and before it even got to the advanced installation, my AV blocked a setup program it tried to spawn with more AdWare. It appears that ImgBurn works well, but the installer is very suspect.

Looking at the website for usb-image-tool, it doesn't say anything about ISO files. Can it create ISO files from USB drives?

No, it only create img or ima files... but to backup pendrive works greate :)

The ISO comes first and it comes from icrosoft. Rufus combines that into a bootable USB thumb drive. It cannot be done the other way round.

sarwar.monaf777, your post is deleted on grounds of Commercial Spam - the link made my uBlock Origin spike from 3 to 15 when I opened it so your account is going to be banned and you won't be able to post in Tom's.

This thread is years old and is closing now. It can be read but not added to but readers beware, the title is misleading.
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