Speakers stop working After Booting


Mar 7, 2016
I have Microlab m-200 platinum speakers for my laptop. Every time I boot up my laptop the speakers work perfectly, but after about 5-10 minutes (the amount of time it takes is random).

The speakers stop working and I can make them work again by unplugging the AUX cable and plugging it in again. It has been working for me so far, but It's getting really annoying, if anyone has this same kind of problem or has a solution for this problem, please let me know.

Best regards,


Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help in solving the issue.
- Start by running Windows Update and install all the updates available.
- Next is to uninstall/reinstall the sound card driver.
- Go to Device Manager and uninstall the Sound Driver.
- Once uninstalled, download and install the latest driver from the manufacturers site.
- Reboot your laptop once the latest driver has been installed
- After the reboot do test it again and see if the same problem will persist.
- If it does, do test your speakers first onto a different PC or try a different speaker onto your laptop just to check which one really is faulty.


Mar 7, 2016

I tried all of that, but nothing worked, I then tried switching computers and the same error occurred on another computer, so I'm guessing that the speakers are the ones, which are faulty. Now, is there any solution to find out where the error is and is there a possible way I can fix it?