Wii U Specs Possibly Leaked: PowerPC CPU, AMD GPU

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eeew 768 of ram? you call that HD gaming LMAO hahahahahahaahaha. just like ps3 and 360 512 of ram even 1 gig ram is outdated hardware, how can they call HD gaming ? PC is the GOD OF HD Gaming and it will all ways be :)
As always Nintendo has a great strength in capturing a market, they just never seem able to hold onto it. If you constantly release consoles and titles for pre-teens, and your consoles have a lifespan of 5 years. Then if your 8 year old customer receives a Wi when they come out, before you release a new console they will want an XBOX. Its only a matter of time before those children want to play call of duty and world of warcraft.

If Nintendo ever released consoles or content that matured to at least pg-13 levels then Sony and Microsoft would have never been able to enter the gaming market.
[citation][nom]sony1978ak[/nom]eeew 768 of ram? you call that HD gaming LMAO hahahahahahaahaha. just like ps3 and 360 512 of ram even 1 gig ram is outdated hardware, how can they call HD gaming ? PC is the GOD OF HD Gaming and it will all ways be[/citation]

I don't think HD means what you think it means. It really just is a buzzword now though I guess. And you are right, PCs will always reign supreme, if you have the money for it.
[citation][nom]sony1978ak[/nom]eeew 768 of ram? you call that HD gaming LMAO hahahahahahaahaha. just like ps3 and 360 512 of ram even 1 gig ram is outdated hardware, how can they call HD gaming ? PC is the GOD OF HD Gaming and it will all ways be[/citation]

i cant really tell where to start... 1gb is more than enough for 1080p gaming, and if you are coding specifically for one hardware set (note, consoles) you can get by with less due to less bloat on the other hardware.

please, don't comment if you know nothing about this subject, as it only annoys people.

[citation][nom]dalethepcman[/nom]As always Nintendo has a great strength in capturing a market, they just never seem able to hold onto it. If you constantly release consoles and titles for pre-teens, and your consoles have a lifespan of 5 years. Then if your 8 year old customer receives a Wi when they come out, before you release a new console they will want an XBOX. Its only a matter of time before those children want to play call of duty and world of warcraft.If Nintendo ever released consoles or content that matured to at least pg-13 levels then Sony and Microsoft would have never been able to enter the gaming market.[/citation]

n64, gamecube, both high end for their time, especially the n64, and the gamecube able to push games that looked better than the 2x as powerful xbox, but for some reason nintendo never held a large hard core crowd.

the wii, i can at least understand their position, most people didn't have an hd tv at the time of its launch, so they stayed sd, and i have to say, for their nintendo games, hd or sd, they would still play the same, but now zelda, after demon souls, after assassins creed, you can see where that game could improve from better hardware.

with the wiiu, we will get to see what they can do with a more modern setup, and if its the design team thats holding them back or if its the hardware.
lol 1g for console is enough to display graphics that would kick pc's ass
Essentially they are releasing a console that will, once again, be one generation behind, except this time they will not have a compelling gimmick.

gj, Nintendo.
of the way
well if that is the specs you could go back 5 ears and get a better pc hardware. and beside its gotta be insanely cheap if it will be more affordable then a pc of the same specs. its like nothing today amd quad 3ghz 4gig ram a nvidia 560ti asus and 4 gig ram 500w power 815 dollars in Sweden so its like 15% more tax for us i guess its worth it if its allot cheaper or if its the same price cuss you got the hand held little screenomagig. beside pc games latly sell 10% cheaper the last year so its not so much about price no more, its about the nintendo games
[citation][nom]sony1978ak[/nom]eeew 768 of ram? you call that HD gaming LMAO hahahahahahaahaha. just like ps3 and 360 512 of ram even 1 gig ram is outdated hardware, how can they call HD gaming ? PC is the GOD OF HD Gaming and it will all ways be[/citation]

What gets me is that it is "probably" going to be shared RAM. The GTX 260 core 216 had 800 and some odd megabytes of VRAM and it does just fine with games, but the fact that this has to be shared with system and game processes has me worried. Considering how cheap DDR3 RAM is these days, I'm honestly surprised they didn't throw in more RAM especially if it is going to be shared.
[citation][nom]sony1978ak[/nom]eeew 768 of ram? you call that HD gaming LMAO hahahahahahaahaha. just like ps3 and 360 512 of ram even 1 gig ram is outdated hardware, how can they call HD gaming ? PC is the GOD OF HD Gaming and it will all ways be[/citation]
idiot, it's a console not a PC. It doesn't run windows or need to open huge spreadsheets. It only runs games. Also, the amount of ram your system has, has nothing to do with your video output. My video card has only 512MB but runs all off the newest games in 1080p. If you look at system ram consumption in windows while you are playing a game you will be surprised that many games don't take up nearly as much ram as you think. Most of the RAM is for quickly loading various windows components.

"please, don't comment if you know nothing about this subject, as it only annoys people."
Yes, Thank you!
[citation][nom]dark_lord69[/nom]idiot, it's a console not a PC. It doesn't run windows or need to open huge spreadsheets. It only runs games. Also, the amount of ram your system has, has nothing to do with your video output. My video card has only 512MB but runs all off the newest games in 1080p. If you look at system ram consumption in windows while you are playing a game you will be surprised that many games don't take up nearly as much ram as you think. Most of the RAM is for quickly loading various windows components."please, don't comment if you know nothing about this subject, as it only annoys people."Yes, Thank you![/citation]

... wow, just wow.
Consoles play games at 1080p? since when? oh right, that fighting game with 2 characters. in reality consoles really play NO games play at 1080p unless its at a very slow situation and at 30fps if not less. not only this, but also its been nearly 7 years since the xbox 360 and ps3 came out and they both had about 512mb of ram, and now your telling me that 7 years later, nintendo is releasing a console with only 768mb of ram? really?

Consoles are good at what they do, but the lack of memory means that they will suffer from frequent loading of levels, blurry textures (play bf3 campaign and spin around quickly (when you arent in a cutscene or QTE)) and you'll see the little buggers jump from blurry to regular.

also, I bet your 512mb video card plays games at 1080p quality, but what frames per second? and what game? any AA?
And they were saying this would have competitive specs.

Expected at the very least a movement to x86, failing that, to ARM.

And that isn't even mentioning the failure of RAM and VRAM.

Plus, 40nm? Really? I was expecting a fairly modern GPU, maybe even a 7xxx.

Oh well.
Great...looks like even the NEXT GEN consoles are already going to be holding us PC gamers back. Add in 6-7 year, probably a decade for the next one console cycle..and..meh...
Not to defend the other guy and his whining, but of course your pc is going to be fine; most of the newest games are console ports.
elcentral -
It's not unusual for consoles to be sold at a loss. A year ago I built a computer (reusing my hard drive, case, optical drive and accessories) exclusively using heavily discounted and rebated items. If I remember correctly I spent around $165. For something not much more powerful than a 360 (dual core processor, Radeon 5550, 4 GB ram, no frills but not bad quality mobo, low wattage antec PSU). And that took months waiting for deals on all of the parts. It definitely used to be (for some people) about the price, and we'll just have to see about the future.

And unfortunately, the big name PC games are raising their prices to match the console prices (if that's what you were referring to. I'm not entirely certain what you were getting at there).
[citation][nom]zachusaman[/nom]... I bet your 512mb video card plays games at 1080p quality, but what frames per second? and what game? any AA?[/citation]

Exactly. The original quote didn't make any mention about quality, just HD. I'm playing Homeworld in HD right now. I love it, but I wouldn't say the graphics are top notch anymore.
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