Apple: A FREE Case for All iPhone 4 Until October

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Sep 21, 2007
I just love the fact that faulty corporate pig think they gonna quick fix a problem by giving out something that supposed to be expensive when they made it for 5 cents in china.

Way to think they fix the problem with a crappy gift.
They think they will con people with this......
Wait a minute some idiot might buy that :

New campaign add for apple : Iphone for idiot only !!!! Spend big bucks for something that doesn't do it's job and get free crappy gift!!!!

Actually that good for MS, Hp, Toshiba, Gateway.....
All those companies that sell crappy electronics.



Aug 18, 2006
[citation][nom]snotling[/nom]What they actualy did was show the world ho the problem is sooo much smaller that the press made it look like.and they gave away free cases for thos who just can't help but complain.[/citation]

If it is a "small problem" that happens to "0.55%" of all Iphone users... how was Consumer Reports one of the 0.55% to have the issue?? And how were all the other media companies able to recreate the problem as well??

Did you ever think that, much like they do ALL THE TIME, Apple is fudging their numbers??

Look for example at them attacking the Bold 9700. Some guy in the audience said they he couldn't get his Bold to drop holding it the way Steve said if u do u will lose signal. Steve's response: It only happens in certain areas. (translation: we are full of s**t.)

Apple are the masters of bulls**tting their customers and the media. And Apple fanbois just eat it allll up.


May 6, 2008
Why is Lord Steve sending out a "fix"? I thought the iphone was perfect but people were just holding it wrong all along.


Jul 16, 2010
From the press conference it looks like they new (suspected) about the problem, then why haven't they included a casing in the package? Would have saved them so much trouble.


Aug 22, 2009
The 0.5% represents the number of people who have taken the time (i.e., waited on hold to talk to CSR in India) to complain directly to Apple about the issue. The percentage of people who have experienced the problem is two orders of magnitude greater.


May 17, 2010
Seeing that the Bold had no problems at the conference, someone should have taken out an iphone and reproduced the problem on the spot to shut out Jobs' BS.


May 21, 2009
[citation][nom]figgus[/nom]Didn't High Overlord Jobs just send out a memo that they were NOT to give away free bumpers to "appease their customers"?[/citation]

Come on, Jobs had to be the one to offer the free bumpers, and only him.


May 29, 2008
[citation][nom]walt526[/nom]The 0.5% represents the number of people who have taken the time (i.e., waited on hold to talk to CSR in India) to complain directly to Apple about the issue. The percentage of people who have experienced the problem is two orders of magnitude greater.[/citation]
Agreed. I had to talk to 4 tech support agents for 3 hours once to fix an issue with a Blackberry (the wife is switching to Android once the contract is up). If the problem can be solved by holding the phone a different way, most people aren't going to waste time calling tech support (especially when tech support has been directed to deny the problem exists). They'll just redial and go on with their day. Doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, it just means a dropped call isn't worth a trip to the Apple store or a call to AT&T.

Apple is still in denial about the phone issue. Most phones lose reception because your hand blocks the radio signal from reaching the antenna, and no cover or duct tape is going to fix that. The iPhone 4 loses reception because your hand basically shorts the phone antenna to the WiFi antenna. This is a design flaw, not a common problem with all phones. I'm willing to bet the iPhone is the only mobile phone on the market with directly-exposed antennas. And I'm willing to bet no one else does it this way for the very reason Apple never should have.

[citation][nom]formin[/nom]LOL i find this funny.In a couple months they can produce millions of insanely complex iphones with thousands of components held together with circuity so small its barely visible. YET they make it sound like forming a simple piece of rubber takes a long time. Companies should easily be able to manufacture a million a week.Smells like some iBULLSH!T[/citation]

Seriously. How can they make millions of iPods, iPhones, iPads, etc.. (didn't I read a stat that Apple sold one iPod every 15 seconds since 2003 or something, how can they make them that fast?) But they can't have some factory in China pump out a billion iBands overnight? Bullsh*t seconded.


Apr 16, 2010
Whoops! Did anyone notice that the slide showing the min/max number of bars had the figures in the wrong column? (ie., HTC was showing 4 bars min & 0 bars maximum)


Oct 7, 2008
So for those sheep who ran out and bought the $0.25 cent rubber thing for $20 are out of luck? Can they get a refund? They were doing what Apple told them to do initially, so it's not their fault. Better yet, I feel bad for those who amputated a few fingers so that they wouldn't be tempted to hold that crap incorrectly. Apple...major fail!


Jun 5, 2007
Excellent so 04/10/2010 is when apple expect the undisclosed iphone 4.1a to be in the shops..... with a bit of luck, consumers may be able to buy something that is even beta or release candidate quality....


Feb 8, 2010
It must be pretty difficult to manufacture these bumpers. According to Jobs only 15000 iPhone's are affected. And they can't seem to make them fast enough to cover that. Must be one complicated rubber band.


Jun 30, 2009
a) All smart phone shave the same problem. Seem plausible to me, when this story first developed I googled the issue and found lots of stories, youtube videos, forum comments complaining about exactly the same problem on lots of other phones (ie when you hold the phone in a certain way, especially with weak reception, you get problems and dropped calls). I posted links to all those stories and videos in other comment threads on Daily Tech.

b) No other handset maker has come up with a solution to this problem. I haven't found any after searching quite a bit. Anybody found any handset maker claiming to have a solution?

c) The iPhone 4 seems to generally have better reception according to lots of bloggers, users and journalist testing/reviewing the iPhone 4, but is generating about 1% more complaints about dropped calls caused by the specific issue in question

d) Apple are offering a complete refund on demand, a free case (which should completely solve the problem) and a refund for anyone who has already bought a case.

e) The iPhone has been for less than a month and Apple have offered a comprehensive account of the issue, taken a public Q&A session on it and offered complete refunds or a free case which should solve the problem. Given the time needed for the issue to be raised by users, picked up the media and examined by Apple engineers this seems pretty prompt to me.


Sep 2, 2007
'So for those sheep who ran out and bought the $0.25 cent rubber thing for $20 are out of luck? Can they get a refund? They were doing what Apple told them to do initially, so it's not their fault. Better yet, I feel bad for those who amputated a few fingers so that they wouldn't be tempted to hold that crap incorrectly. Apple...major fail!'

Yes, they do get a refund.


Sep 2, 2007
'It must be pretty difficult to manufacture these bumpers. According to Jobs only 15000 iPhone's are affected. And they can't seem to make them fast enough to cover that. Must be one complicated rubber band.'

It isn't just people who are having issues who will jump at the chance to get a free bumper. A lot of people wanted or bought a bumper anyway.


Sep 2, 2007
'If it is a "small problem" that happens to "0.55%" of all Iphone users... how was Consumer Reports one of the 0.55% to have the issue?? And how were all the other media companies able to recreate the problem as well??'

I don't think he was saying that the problem can't be recreated, when you try to do so. I think the point he was making was that most people, whilst using the phone normally, don't run into the problem. If they did a bit of research and specifically aimed to reproduce the problem, they could, but why would they? They aren't affected.

'Look for example at them attacking the Bold 9700. Some guy in the audience said they he couldn't get his Bold to drop holding it the way Steve said if u do u will lose signal. Steve's response: It only happens in certain areas. (translation: we are full of s**t.)'

Someone in the audience also commented that they couldn't reproduce the IPhone issue in the room too. The same reason for both was provided - ie that the signal in the room was too strong to be affected. Every single mention of the issue has confirmed that it is relevant only when you have a weak signal in the first place, so this is entirely consistent.

Don't get me wrong though - I think issuing free cases is ridiculous, they should have corrected the hardware issue and offered the customers a fix. They claim that it isn't possible to engineer the antenna to fix this issue, but numerous websites have demonstrated that it can be fixed with insulation etc. This is not a good response from Apple - they need to come up with a fix or people wont buy.

I am looking at getting a phone soon, and the IPhone was one of the options I was considering (I've never had one and I've regretted it every time so far), but I wont go near until they sort this out, if I even choose to get it at all.
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