Ever since about a day or 2 ago when I tried to torrent Sony Vegas, this happens. First I tried to delete the Sony Vegas because it wouldn't work, because my anti virus deleted the program that let it run, the when I went to delete the program my screen when black and then I tried to restart...
I have been using an HP Pavilion x360 convertible for over half a year now and this problem just recently started. My main cursor would just disappear without any reason and would not return unless I restarted my laptop. The cursors for other uses are unaffected. I have searched the internet for...
When I turn on my Acer Aspire 7735Z-4613 and try to enter the computer password, the password bar does not light up and the cursor does not appear. Please help!
I opened my screen today and have a black circle that's about 3 inches wide on the right side of my screen, it has a crack running through it. I use a semi-newer hp laptop. When I move my cursor to the black part the cursor moves under it. Are these dead pixels and is there any way to fix them...
So this whole day has been a nightmare of more things breaking after trying to fix something.
I had been attempting to get GEforce Experience to recognize the graphics card(just got it detected by the system again after a system clean-up program seemingly wiped it from my system).
Found a...
My ASUS X551LA has a small battery compartment on left side bottom with no screws. I can't get it open to reboot my computer that I can't start (black screen with cursor in the middle). The ASUS logo appears when first turn and then just spins to a black screen - I try clicking cursor and see...
I have a Toshiba satellite - with windows 8. It occurred while trying to mirror the laptop to a tv (which I have done before) firstly it would not mirror and so I kept left clicking to enter resolution options and then all of a sudden it went blue. I was no longer able to do anything to this at...
I accidentally spilled like barely a drop of water on my mousepad and although it works, the cursor is jumpy and glitching a little, and when I want to click on something, it moves? I also cleaned it immediately, but can I fix it?
I turned my laptop on and saw the starting screen, then it turned black and the only thing to see is the cursor. I can't properly turn it off, because when i hit the power button, a light keeps flashing at the lower part of my laptop. Help would be appreciated.
When I turn my laptop on, it turns on as normal and everything runs fine until I've signed in. Once I'm passed the sign in page, it all goes downhill. The mouse moves fine without any lag but everytime I try to open something nothing happens on the mouse and timer sign appears. I've tried...
Trying to figure out how to describe this.....
Well my keypad and mouse works, but about a month ago I started noticing that while I'm typing my cursor jumps to another place on the page, and suddenly I'm typing in the middle of where ever it puts me, I am sure not to accidentally push any...