
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Mozilla.
  1. JMcEntegart

    Mozilla's Boot 2 Gecko Mobile OS to Land 2012

    Development is trundling along and appears to be on schedule. Mozilla's Boot 2 Gecko Mobile OS to Land 2012 : Read more
  2. G

    Mozilla's Patched Firefox 7 Breaks Sync

    Mozilla just released a patch for Firefox 7, which fixes a problem that caused add-ons to be hidden. However, the new version 7.0.1 comes with a new problem: It breaks Sync. Mozilla's Patched Firefox 7 Breaks Sync : Read more
  3. G

    Mozilla Responds: Market Share? What Market Share?

    Mozilla has been hammered lately with reports that Chrome may soon overtake it in market share. Mozilla Responds: Market Share? What Market Share? : Read more
  4. exfileme

    Mozilla is Building a 3D Gaming Engine

    Mozilla's new game engine is part of Paladin, a project by the Mozilla Labs community established to create the best gaming technology available for the open web. Mozilla is Building a 3D Gaming Engine : Read more
  5. G

    Mozilla Delays Firefox 7 Update Due to Add-on Bug

    Mozilla has paused the Firefox 7 update process for now as it discovered a bug that hides add-ons in the new version of the browser. Mozilla Delays Firefox 7 Update Due to Add-on Bug : Read more
  6. G

    Mozilla Developers Question 6-Week Release Cycle For Firefox

    Mozilla is contemplating shortening the product release cycle of Firefox even further. Mozilla Developers Question 6-Week Release Cycle For Firefox : Read more
  7. G

    Firefox Gets Big JavaScript Improvements

    Mozilla is working on its JavaScript engine again and has announced that type interference support has landed in Mozilla-central. Firefox Gets Big JavaScript Improvements : Read more
  8. G

    Mozilla Previews Firefox for Tablets

    Mozilla is providing another look at what appears to be a near-finalized design of the Firefox tablet UI. Mozilla Previews Firefox for Tablets : Read more
  9. G

    Relax, Mozilla's Keeping Version Numbers for Firefox

    Mozilla has ended a controversy surrounding a sudden announcement that the browser maker would drop the version number from the About window. Relax, Mozilla's Keeping Version Numbers for Firefox : Read more
  10. exfileme

    Mozilla Seeking to Nuke Native APIs Using HTML5

    Mozilla is working on an HTML5-based platform that will host universal apps for any device, operating system and browser. Mozilla Seeking to Nuke Native APIs Using HTML5 : Read more
  11. G

    Mozilla Moves Thunderbird to Rapid Release Cycle

    Firefox is now safely integrated into a rapid release cycle, but it will not be the only product that Mozilla is targeting for much faster releases. Mozilla Moves Thunderbird to Rapid Release Cycle : Read more
  12. Archean

    Firefox 6 quietly released ahead of official launch

    Firefox 6 is slated for an official release on Tuesday Mozilla has already thrown up the installation files on its FTP server for those who want to get their hands on the final code early. The next version of the popular open source browser doesn't bring major UI changes, but it is reportedly...
  13. Archean

    Mozilla to automatically block unwanted Firefox add-ons

    Mozilla's Firefox will soon start blocking browser add-ons installed by other programs until users explicitly approve them, a move that's designed to give people more control over their web surfing experience. I always had issues with other software installing addons without my knowledge so I...
  14. G

    Mozilla to Improve Firefox Memory Performance by 30%

    Firefox is nearing its next version transition as Firefox 6 is scheduled to be released on August 16. Mozilla to Improve Firefox Memory Performance by 30% : Read more
  15. G

    Mozilla Reveals Possible New Firefox UI Direction

    Mozilla's Stephen Horlander has posted a presentation that could provide a first impression of how Firefox 7 or 8 may look like. Mozilla Reveals Possible New Firefox UI Direction : Read more
  16. G

    Mozilla's B2G OS: There is No Other Choice for Mozilla

    Another operating system? Seriously? We already have plenty to choose from: Windows, iOS, Mac OS, Android, Chrome and countless Linux flavors. Do we really need Mozilla's Boot-to-Gecko? Mozilla's B2G OS: There is No Other Choice for Mozilla : Read more
  17. exfileme

    Mozilla Builds Smartphone OS Using Android Kernel

    Mozilla plans to take on Apple, Google and Microsoft with its own HTML5-based OS... using Android as a building block. Mozilla Builds Smartphone OS Using Android Kernel : Read more
  18. G

    Mozilla Pitches BrowserID to Solve Password Mess

    How often does it happen that you either forget one of the many passwords you have for countless web services and how often are you accused of not having enough passwords? Mozilla Pitches BrowserID to Solve Password Mess : Read more
  19. G

    Firefox at 64-bit: Do You Care?

    Mozilla has begun collecting feedback on what appears to be a more serious approach to move Firefox for Windows from 32 to 64 bit. Firefox at 64-bit: Do You Care? : Read more
  20. G

    Mozilla, You Must Love Your Business Users

    The web browser is a topic that is filled with passion and drama these days. Mozilla, You Must Love Your Business Users : Read more
  21. G

    Mozilla Publishes a New Vision For Firefox

    You may have been confused lately why Mozilla is abandoning its corporate users, a tremendously loyal and sticky user base. Mozilla Publishes a New Vision For Firefox : Read more
  22. G

    Firefox 7 To Eliminate ''http://'' URL Prefix

    Mozilla has released the first nightly builds of Firefox that will eliminate the common protocol prefix in the URL that is shown in the location bar. Firefox 7 To Eliminate ''http://'' URL Prefix : Read more
  23. G

    StatCounter: Chrome Now Well Above 20 Percent

    Mozilla may be capturing the headlines with the latest release of its Firefox browser today, but there is no denying that not everything is especially peachy in Mozilla's browserland. StatCounter: Chrome Now Well Above 20 Percent : Read more
  24. exfileme

    Microsoft Sends Mozilla IE9 Cupcake

    Microsoft is keeping up with its tradition in sending Mozilla something sweet each time a new version of Firefox "ships." Awww, ain't that sweet! Microsoft Sends Mozilla IE9 Cupcake : Read more
  25. G

    First Look: Firefox Tablet UI

    Mozilla is preparing yet another version of Firefox - a derivate of Firefox Mobile that will be offered for Android tablets. First Look: Firefox Tablet UI : Read more
  26. G

    Mozilla Labs Showcases a Browser Desktop

    Mozilla's Mozilla Labs can be a confusing showcase of ideas, at least occasionally. Mozilla Labs Showcases a Browser Desktop : Read more
  27. exfileme

    Mozilla Forcing Firefox 3.5 Users to Upgrade

    There are 12 million users on Firefox 3.5, and Mozilla plans to force an upgrade on each one even if it means dangling a carrot. Mozilla Forcing Firefox 3.5 Users to Upgrade : Read more
  28. G

    First Firefox 5 Build Posted

    Mozilla is sticking to its plan and is aggressively pushing a timeline that schedules the rollout of Firefox 5 on June 21. The first beta is already posted. First Firefox 5 Build Posted : Read more
  29. G

    Mozilla Announces New Firefox JavaScript Engine

    It appears as if Firefox 4 has grown old over the past few weeks it has been available. Mozilla Announces New Firefox JavaScript Engine : Read more
  30. G

    Mozilla Can't Attract Enough Firefox Testers

    Mozilla's new Firefox channels may have launched with a bang, but they do not seem to be doing so well now. Mozilla Can't Attract Enough Firefox Testers : Read more
  31. G

    Mozilla Drops Spread Firefox Campaign

    Spread Firefox, Mozilla's initial grassroots marketing campaign that launched with the first Firefox in 2004 has been killed. Mozilla Drops Spread Firefox Campaign : Read more
  32. MauveCloud

    Long urls get wrapped in my incoming email

    For my work, I often get emails with long urls, but Mozilla Thunderbird wraps them at 72 characters, and I haven't found a setting that successfully prevents that. I'm fairly sure it's my email client doing it upon receipt rather than the sender, because I can mark the message as unread and view...
  33. G

    Firefox 5 Scheduled for June 21

    As of this morning, we know that Mozilla has pulled in the launch of Firefox 5 by one week to June 21 and announced two versions of a versioning system as well as a renamed developer channel. Firefox 5 Scheduled for June 21 : Read more
  34. P

    Wep key mozilla

    Hello, i am unable to get my WEP hex key to use internet in my mobile phone.. plz suggest some measures to get the wep key.
  35. G

    Firefox 5 Preview Available Now

    It turns out that Mozilla was not kidding. Firefox 5 Preview Available Now : Read more
  36. G

    Mozilla Wlready Working on Firefox 4.0.1 Update

    Despite a few bugs that have been found in the current 4.0 release candidate of Firefox, Mozilla has confirmed the March 22 release date of the new browser. Mozilla Wlready Working on Firefox 4.0.1 Update : Read more
  37. G

    Mozilla To Ship Firefox 4 On March 22

    Mozilla is confident enough about the state of its Firefox 4 RC to release a first launch date for the final version of Firefox 4. Mozilla To Ship Firefox 4 On March 22 : Read more
  38. G

    Mozilla Attacks IE9's Marketing As Nonsense

    Welcome to a new episode of browser bashing. This time, it's Mozilla's turn again and Robert O'Callahan is taking a swing at Microsoft. Mozilla Attacks IE9's Marketing As Nonsense : Read more
  39. G

    Mozilla Says HTML5 is the Future

    Sullivan favors HTML5 and described Flash as a "plug-in prison." Mozilla Says HTML5 is the Future : Read more
  40. G

    Mozilla Gives Advice On How to Kill IE6

    IE6 just doesn't want to let go! Mozilla Gives Advice On How to Kill IE6 : Read more
  41. G

    Mozilla Launches Firefox 4 Bug Countdown

    In anticipation of the final release of Firefox 4, Mozilla is now showcasing a public buglist countdown. 22 blocking bugs to go. Mozilla Launches Firefox 4 Bug Countdown : Read more
  42. G

    Chrome 10 Beta Released, Mozilla Talks Beta 13

    Firefox 4 Beta 12 was not, as originally planned, released last week. Chrome 10 Beta Released, Mozilla Talks Beta 13 : Read more
  43. exfileme

    Mozilla: IE9 is NOT a Modern Browser

    Mozilla's Paul Rouget explains why Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 is two years too late. Mozilla: IE9 is NOT a Modern Browser : Read more
  44. G

    Mozilla: One More Firefox Beta, Please

    Mozilla released Firefox 4 Beta 11 earlier today, which is, according to our count already four more betas than the company had originally planned. Mozilla: One More Firefox Beta, Please : Read more
  45. tuanmai

    Personalize Your Web With Mozilla's 'Home Dash'

    Mozilla Labs has cooked up a brand new product that turns your web browser into something quite unconventional. Personalize Your Web With Mozilla's 'Home Dash' : Read more
  46. G

    Firefox 5 announced for Q2 2011

    It appears that Mozilla is making bigger steps toward getting Firefox 4 out the door. Firefox 5 announced for Q2 2011 : Read more
  47. G

    Final Beta of Firefox 4 On The Way

    It has been a long journey for Mozilla, but it seems that the finish line is in sight, at last. Final Beta of Firefox 4 On The Way : Read more
  48. G

    Mozilla Exposed 44,000 Passwords

    Mozilla confirmed that it accidentally forgot to remove a "partial database" of user accounts on a public server of the organization. Mozilla Exposed 44,000 Passwords : Read more
  49. exfileme

    Customize Browser UI with Mozilla Chromeless

    Mozilla is offering a toolset to customize its browser's UI. Customize Browser UI with Mozilla Chromeless : Read more
  50. exfileme

    Firefox 4 Beta 1 Hits Android

    Mozilla released the first public beta of Firefox 4 for Android and Maemo. Firefox 4 Beta 1 Hits Android : Read more
  51. exfileme

    Mozilla: No Firefox Browser for iPhone... Really

    Mozilla stated again that Firefox is not heading to Apple's iPhone. Mozilla: No Firefox Browser for iPhone... Really : Read more
  52. JMcEntegart

    Mozilla Shows Off Awesome Smartphone Concept

    Someone make a prototype, stat! Mozilla Shows Off Awesome Smartphone Concept : Read more
  53. JMcEntegart

    Mozilla: 10-minute ''Private Browsing'' Spikes Common Occurrence At Lunchtimes

    What time of day do Firefox users switch to "porn mode"? Mozilla: 10-minute ''Private Browsing'' Spikes Common Occurrence At Lunchtimes : Read more
  54. JMcEntegart

    Mozilla Kills Password-stealing Firefox Add-on

    Mozilla has removed a Firefox add-on that, when installed, stole users' passwords and login information from various different Websites. Mozilla Kills Password-stealing Firefox Add-on : Read more
  55. exfileme

    Firefox Eventually Getting Direct2D Rendering

    One of Mozilla's 2Q 2010 goals is to add Direct2D into the next Gecko release. Firefox Eventually Getting Direct2D Rendering : Read more
  56. JMcEntegart

    Firefox Nears 30% of Worldwide Market Share

    Mozilla this week released its first ever quarterly analyst report and according to Mozilla, Firefox is accounting for nearly 40 percent of the browser market share in Europe and nearly 30 percent worldwide. Firefox Nears 30% of Worldwide Market Share : Read more
  57. exfileme

    Mozilla Releases Critical Fix for Firefox

    Mozilla fixes a big security hole in its flagship web browser. Mozilla Releases Critical Fix for Firefox : Read more
  58. exfileme

    Oh Fun: 2 Firefox Add-Ons Contain Trojans

    Mozilla's malware scan failed to detect Trojans found in to Firefox add-ons. Oh Fun: 2 Firefox Add-Ons Contain Trojans : Read more
  59. exfileme

    Mozilla Drops Firefox 3.7 from Release Schedule

    Mozilla wants to introduce new features on a regular basis rather than release a new build. Mozilla Drops Firefox 3.7 from Release Schedule : Read more
  60. exfileme

    French Army Joins Mozilla in War Against MSFT

    The French military's customized security extensions have been migrated into the latest Thunderbird client. French Army Joins Mozilla in War Against MSFT : Read more